Block Sender

Outlook Blocked Sender

Statistics have reported that five out of ten received emails are spam messages even after Microsoft’s scanning provisions. Spam emails are unsolicited emails, or potentially a once upon legit email that is never-ending.   However, the Outlook Online Blocked Sender feature sends Spam emails to the Junk Folder, which helps to declutter the Inbox.

Most recipients do not take the time to unsubscribe to job search engines, newsletters, or advertisements.

Two words, “Block them!”,

How does Outlook Blocked Sender Feature Works?

Set up Outlook Online settings to prevent uninvited senders from arriving in the recipient’s email account.  The Blocked Sender command redirects a single address ( or the entire domain/hostname ( to the Junk folder for 30 days. Treat the grace period as extended protection for webmail in case the circumstances change.

Each blocked mail in the Junk folder allows reviewing content before labeling it if needed. However, take precautionary measures when opening mail from unknown senders.  They may contain harmful viruses.  (Learn more about Phishing emails in the “What is Junk Email? blog post that I have created.) In addition, these blocked messages display a deletion date counter and the expiry date.  (Nice touch Microsoft!) No more second-guessing when the Junk folder erases marked items. See the image below.

Outlook 365 Blocked Sender

How to Block a Sender?

  • Navigate to the Outlook Online application and sign in. (Already logged in, skip this step.)
  • Click on the Settings Icon from the top menu, then scroll to the bottom of the screen and select the View all Outlook Settings.
View All Settings in Outlook Online
  • Select Mail | Junk Email
  • Option 1: Block an individual, click on the +Add, then
    input the Full Email Address and press Enter
  • Option 2: Block a hostname, then input the Domain only and press Enter
  • Scroll to the bottom of the screen, click on the Save button, then press X to close properties.
Outlook Blocked Sender

How to Edit or Remove Blocked Sender?

Suppose the addressee unintentionally assigned an email address to the block list. In that case, modify the status or remove the address from the directory.

Method 1: How to Unblock a Sender?

  • Navigate to the Junk Folder and open an email before the expiry date
  • From the informational bar, select the “Show Blocked content” to gauge details in the email, or choose “It’s not junk” to switch the status.
Blocked Sender Email

Method 2: How to Review Blocked Sender Settings?

  • Navigate to Outlook Online application and sign in. (Already logged in, skip this step.)
  • Click on the Settings Icon from the top menu, then scroll to the bottom of the screen and select the View all Outlook Settings.
  • Select Mail | Junk Email
  • By the email address, click on the Pencil icon to edit or the Trashcan icon to delete the sender from the block list.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the screen, click on the Save button, then press X to close properties.
Outlook Blocked Sender

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