Need to add text filler in your document or presentation? Use the Lorem() to add Lorem Ipsum text or the Rand() command to insert regular text as a placeholder in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint Online and Desktop.
Text Filler Syntax
=lorem() Command
Displays random Latin content
=rand() Command
Dispalys regular text
Text Filler Tips and Known Issues
- Start the Syntax with an equal sign
- The Syntax must be lowercase
- Separate the Syntax with commas between paragraphs and sentences numbers with no spaces
- By default, the formula displays five paragraphs with two sentences
- Both commands work in the Desktop versions
Known Issues:
There are several known issues. However, you can still use these commands.
- PowerPoint Online: The Lorem command does not display any content. However, you can use the rand command. When the Rand command is used, it shows Latin written language.
- I reported these issues to Microsoft, hoping that Microsoft would expedite a fix to these issues.

4E Closing
It has been a while since I prepared a 4E closing statement, but this one feels suitable and appropriate.
Using the text fillers or placeholders in documents or presentations allows the users or team members to understand how the paper will “visually” flow. I prefer to include the Lorem command because the text instantly stands out since I cannot read Latin. The text is vividly different from what I am used to, so I know that someone on the team has not updated their section in the report, proposal, procedure, or policy.
As a reminder, if this feature is not working correctly in PowerPoint Online, give Microsoft some feedback when you are reading this article. For I use this feature, “A Lot.”
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